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My Story

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My Story

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In 2017, I was guided to be in Mount Shasta for the August Solar Eclipse. At the time, I was at an in-between & transitional place in my life. Although I was pursuing my passions, there was an inner pressure playing in the background that I wasn’t quite where I wanted to be- or who I wanted to be. After 15 years of a fulfilling career as a hospice nurse, I returned to school to obtain my master's degree in dietetic studies and became a registered dietitian. But destiny was calling me toward a different direction. I was given a glimpse of an energetic blue print for my life and was shown that this trip to Mount Shasta was going to change the direction of my entire life. 


While in Mount Shasta, for the first time in my life, I met other souls who, like myself, were also on their own spiritual path of awakening and personal evolution. One of these beautiful souls was a woman who gifted me a piece of orgonite. I had never heard of it before but felt that I had just received something very sacred. After this pivotal experience, as luck would have it, I received a small inheritance which allowed me the freedom & resources required to fully invest myself into the process of trial and error & create these sacred orgonite pieces. My intention was to make orgonite as powerful as possible while simultaneously as beautiful as possible. 


Overtime, as I refined my personal creative process, I began receiving very specific instructions for creating certain talismans as well as for creating the “stardust matrix” which goes in every piece someone orders. This information would come in a variety of ways - direct visions, dreams, and downloads. Mary Magdalene is one of the beings who have given clear and very specific guidance and instructions to create orgonite devices such as a large pyramid and a pendant. They carry very powerful, specific coding to spark remembrance of Magdalene priestess frequencies for this time on earth with reawakening the divine feminine and remembering who we are! 


When people began sharing their experiences with their orgonite devices, I knew there was more to these creations than I directly understood. Some people experienced deep transformation, healing, or had profound mystical experiences. I then fully understood that I am a vessel working with the unseen realms to channel energetic codes through my being that each person needs for support in their unique path. 


My own personal spiritual growth and transformation has been greatly accelerated by the honor of doing this work. Ancient knowledge with crystals, symbols and the power of sacred geometry continue to deepen within my being. Up to this point, I have been honored to send these creations to people in over 52 countries! I have been a vessel to create over 5,000 orgonite devices that have been sent all over the planet and gifted many more. This is a global mission of healing and uplifting humanity and mother earth. Gifting orgonite devices to people and to the earth is a powerful act of LOVE that ripples out into the ethers and effects planetary change! Thank you for joining me in this sacred mission! May these pieces help you Remember how powerful you are! 


In March of 2023, I answered the call to begin traveling to sacred sites beginning with Ireland. After powerful experiences assisted me to remember a deep spiritual connection to that land, I had to answer the call. I was guided to journey to Ireland 3 times that year! The following year, I was guided to go to the South of France to honor Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, the Essenes and Cathars, along with my closest soul family friends.  I then began receiving messages for many more places I need to go! 


I was contacted by a facilitator of Mary Magdalene pilgrimages in the South of France to create a custom order for her group. The level of fulfillment in my being could not be adequately articulated! I am now receiving the call to combine two of my greatest passions, the magic of orgonite and the magic of pilgrimaging to sacred sites! I am extending the invitation to facilitators of sacred site pilgrimages to co-create custom orders for those making these journeys!  This will add to the sacredness of their own inner journey, enhancing their experience, inner transformation, and also serving as a constant reminder of their life changing experience.  



In April of 2024, I as well as 7 others, journeyed to the South of France in honor of Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, the Essenes and the Cathars. The trip was divinely orchestrated and was deeply rooted in transformation, magic, challenge, and joy! Click the link below to hear the radio show where I tell the exciting stories. My part begins at 28 minutes. Enjoy!


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