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Can you hear the whispers calling you from a distant land, inviting you to visit, discover, and honor yourself? As we behold the sacredness of the energetics emanating from ley lines, grid points, and sacred sites, we discover the sacredness within. As without so within, as within so without. Within rock, stone, and water, the memories of countless journeys made by our ancestors are held. Countless stories untold, held in the grains of dirt beneath our feet, are inviting us to remember who we are! Stories of transformation, magic, challenge, and connection are inviting us to experience our own story.


It would be my great honor to work with sacred site facilitators to create custom orders for their groups to enhance the sacredness and power of their experiences! Please send me a message to begin working together. 


If you feel inspired to listen to the stories of my own travels, I share the divine orchestration and higher guidance, along with the deep inner transformation and challenge as well as the magic and beauty! Click below to see my YouTube channel. 


Mount Shasta Sunset.jpg

Mount Shasta - US

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Dowth - Ireland


Uragh Stone Circle -Ireland


Grotte Marine de Méjean- France


Chateau de Montsegur - France


One day before I departed to the South of France to honor Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, the Essens and Cathars, I received a message from a dear soul who guides Mary Magdalene pilgrimages in the South of France. She wanted to order Mary Magdalene pendants and pyramids to gift to her group to add to the sacredness of their journeys in the coming pilgrimage! Coincidence? Divine Orchestration was in play! From customizing her order, to creating her pieces and packaging them with sacred intention was an honor so deep that I cannot articulate the passion that was ignited in my soul. With my own passion for experiencing sacred sites and for creating  powerful orgonite, the idea of combining the two was highly synergistic!  In April of 2023 I began traveling internationally to sites that I have been guided to visit, using sound, burying crystals and orgonite with intention where guided, all the while, facing my deepest shadows, inviting me to transform. Each journey I have been guided to embark upon consists of countless stories weaving divine orchestration, synchronicity, magic, and challenge! The call continues for many more journeys to come. What lies inside of us to be discovered? 


I now feel the call to work with pilgrimage leaders/officiators to customize orders of orgonite pendants (or other pieces) as part of their sacred journey of inner transformation, remembrance,  and connection - to honor the sacredness of their being, as they honor those who built and journeyed to these sacred sites. 

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